Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Blog 4 - House Advisory Prep

Write a short explanation of what you are hoping to accomplish through your senior project topic.  You will be sharing out on what you've written here with your house advisory and classmates on Friday, 9/11.

As days draw nearer to the end of my time as a high school student, the road to college holds open many doors for me to choose from to find a career that I will enjoy for years to come. The career of my choosing is being a pediatrician.

To help me achieve the goal of becoming a pediatrician, I am currently volunteering at the Health Care Partners located in the city of El Monte. My mentor is a trusted member of the Health Care Partners crew. Her name is Dr. Rosado. During my time at Health Care Partners and my journey towards completing my senior project, I hope to accomplish the goals I have set. These goals include the following: learning the different types of vaccines, how to approach a patient, the education needed to become a pediatrician, etc. By learning as much as I can of my topic through this project, I will be better prepared when studying this topic in college.

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